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Check back here for release information, fun pictures, contests and more!


Sorry for the absence, LIfe has been crazy. No excuse, but I'm back! Have finished the first draft of the first book in a new series! cant wait for you to meet Cynder!


Wolf is finally Live, book three is Maggie's book, and it was so fun to write. So far the reviews on it have been great, which makes me a very happy girl!!


Signing at the Huntington Mall, 5-19-2018. Sharing a table with author Amanda Hooser, yes she's a nut but a talented author.... we had  a great time!


Wonderland is live!


Yes its been a while, sorry for the delay in getting book two out, but live gt in the way and it couldn't be helped! but she is up and ready for your enjoyment. Book two takes up where we left off in book one, this is Abby's book, and we find her having bad luck at the first of the book by getting dumped. Little does she know what lies in for her next, and whether she should thank William for dumping her or not! I hope you like Abby's story, as much as i did writing it! 



Sorry for being MIA... But I'm back!


Yes, I'm back. It's been a rough year for me personally. But I'm over the hump and ready to get back into it. My second book is with my beta readers right now, and so far the response has been good. As soon as i get the edits finished, then it will be off to my cover designer. I will keep you updated on the release dates, likes...etc. Until then Happy reading, lots of love.



Welcome to my new website.


Yes, i finally got a website up. This will be home site until i have a page professionaly desgined. I published my first book in April, and my life has been pretty crazy since then getting everything straightened up. Unfortunatley that meant my web site came last. I'm currently working on the second book in my series, whic is Abby's story and i'm hvaing fun writing it. It should be ready in the next couple months, i can't wait for you to see it!

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